Thursday, December 13, 2012

12.12.12.~ is a foolish act on the beautiful day

yesterday on 12.12.12~
is a beautiful day when i wake up...
i look outside of my window at 8.30am in the morning
i can still see the cloud covering the earth
at the 9.30am i walk to class still can see the cloud covering the beautiful earth
i was thinking, is this a sign tell me that is not the same as always?
i thinking every each hours and i have come out an conclusion
that i going to send u a break up letter for u~
so yesterday night i took a long time to write and read it again
ensure the letter is not hurt u a lot
i know u have break up with ur GF
but still i think and i can feel that u won be mine even i waiting
this is why the letter come along~
i half writing the letter half thinking is this the best solution for both of us?
should i face to face meet u and have a talk about this?
but i know that if i meet u face to face
maybe i have a hard time to say it out... and even i maybe will cry
this date only come once in a life time...
and there won be a beautiful date like this
but i am sorry at i choose this date...
only this date i have a courage to tell u everything..
i am sorry that i hold in for so long
until i cannot breath
i don know when u will saw this letter
it making me nervous  for waiting for ur respond
please faster read the letter and respond to me
don let me wait for a long time

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